Statement of Senator JV Ejercito on calling for a renewed push for rail projects amid worsening traffic congestion

January 23, 2024

The worsening traffic congestion, exacerbated by record-breaking car sales last year, is disconcerting.

Data from the Chamber of Automotive Manufacturers of the Philippines Inc. and the Truck Manufacturers Association state that 429,000 new vehicles were sold in 2023.

This trend is poised to aggravate our current traffic situation. It may result in an additional two million cars on our roads in the next five years.

It should serve as a warning light. The only way out is to put railway projects on the fast track.

We strongly urge the Department of Transportation- and all other concerned agencies- to push all previously funded rail projects out of the pipeline.

On my part in the Senate, I will continue to advocate for the prioritization and swift implementation of rail projects.


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